So here is my new room!!!
Our Fall Door!
The front of my classroom! I LOVE my new rug!
I did change the cubbies for my Daily 5 buckets.
Focus Wall
I love how organized it is! I have also added more to this.
You can grab any of my Focus Wall Sets Here!
Calendar Wall
This is just a quick reminder for students and I have added more to it.
We complete all of our calendar on the ActivBoard each day.
FREE!! Days of the Week Posters!
Reading Chair and Book Bucket
Small Group Table
I have already moved this to the back of the room!
Classroom Library
Our Bucket Filler Area
My organization area!
I love how everything has a place!
Pick Me and Star Student Sticks
Lunch Choice
This works great!
I have one student who announces our main lunch choice everyday.
Writing Area
I used Miss Nelson's Writer's Eye posters set and this
My kids love this area!
Word Wall
My CAFE headers are from Faith Wheeler!
Math Wall
the number posters are from Christine Statzel!
Student Work Area
Behavior Clipchart from A Cupcake for the Teacher!
This works great!
Classroom Jobs!
Classroom Mirror and Leader sign!
I will post this sign as a FREEBIE soon!
Outside my classroom!
I will also post this as a Freebie soon!
I hope you enjoyed my classroom tour! I am so in love with my new room and my first graders!
They make me laugh everyday!
Now here's my October Currently!